Ouistreham: Cinéma Le Cabieu

Country: France
Region: Normandie
Department: Calvados
City: Ouistreham (Ouistreham Riva-Bella)
Location: 5, avenue Michel-Cabieu

Opened 1929 as a multi-purpose hall (Salle des Fêtes Cabieu), named in honour of the French general, Michel Cabieu (1730-1804). Later converted into a cinema. 352 seats.

Links: lecabieu.fr, CinemaTreasures, Wikidata

Ouistreham: Cinema Le Cabieu Front Text: "Ouistreham-Riva-Bella - Salle Michel Cabieu"
Publisher: Cie. Alsaciennes des Arts Photomécaniques, Strasbourg; 45
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Ouistreham to Stains, 193[5?]

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/6758