Saint-Nazaire: Palais des Sports

Country: France
Region: Pays de la Loire
Department: Loire-Atlantique (Loire-Inférieure)
City: Saint-Nazaire
Location: Avenue Léo-Lagrange

Multi-purpose hall, built 1963-1970 by Vissuzaine, Longuet, Rivière and Joly. 2200 seats. Also known as "La Soucoupe". Originally planned to be used for sports events as well as cultural performances, but now mainly used for sports.

Link: Wikipedia

Saint-Nazaire: Palais des Sports Reverse Text: "Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), Le bassin de plein air et la salle des sports (Arch.: MM. Vissuziane, Longuet, Rivière"
Publisher: Pierre Artaud et Cie., Nantes; 43
Size: Modern
Sent: from Saint-Nazaire to Guénange, 1975

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