A Gallery of Puppet Shows |
Guignol, Kasperletheater, Punch & Judy, Burattini and similar puppet shows. |
Collectible Card Picture: puppet theatre in ancient Greece (as imagined in the 19th century) Front Text: "Les marionnettes" Reverse Text: "Les marionnettes. Les théâtre des marionnettes existaient chez les anciens Grecs [...]" (see reverse scan) Publisher: Maison des Buscs à l'Ancre; 111 Size: 6.8 x 10.6 cm |
Collectible Card Picture: children playing with a puppet theatre in ancient Greece (as imagined in the 19th century) Front Text: "Que c'est beau, la Comédie!" Publisher: Aux Travailleurs, Magasins de Nouveautés, Paris; Bourgerie et fils ainé, Paris Size: 11.2 x 7.2. cm |
Reverse Text: "Bodleian Library, Oxford, Punch and Judy. Marginal illustration from the Romance of Alexander, a MS, written and illuminated in Flanders, c. 1340. MS Bodl. 264, f. 54v" Publisher: Cotswold Collotype Company Ltd. Type: 20th-century reproduction of a 14th-century manuscript, see also Commons Size: Modern Not sent. |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Le Trombone - Guignol au Château (Renaissance)" Publisher: Chocolat Louit, Bordeaux Size: 11.0 x 8.5 cm |
Reverse Text: "Happy Hollanders" Publisher: Clifton Fac-Simile Colour Postcard; E. W: Savory,Bristol; Series No. 746 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Parlatorio del Monastero di San Zaccaria, Venezia, ca. 1746
Collectible Card Publisher: Chocolat Louit Size: 10.5 x 6.5 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Guignol" Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron, Paris Size: 10.6 x 6.4 cm |
Picture: Italian puppet show in the 18th century Front Text: "Il Teatro dei Burattini (Dipinto ad olio di F. Maggiotto - Sec. XVIII) Milano - Museo Teatrale alla Scala" Publisher: Edizione del Museo Teatrale alla Scala; Alberto Modiano Tipografo, Milano Type: 20th-century reproduction of an 18th-century oil painting by Francesco Maggiotto Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: German Kasperl-Theater, ca. 1805 Reverse Text: "Puppentheatersammlung der Stadt München. Opiz, Georg Emanuel (1776-1841). Kasperltheater / Gouache" Publisher: Münchner Stadtmuseum, München Type: 20th-century reproduction of a 19th-century gouache by Georg Emanuel Opiz Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: puppet theatre in front of the Church of Saints Quirico and Giulitta in Rome, by Achille Pinelli, 1833 Publisher: Zazzle Type: 2021 reproduction of an 1833 painting (see Commons) Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Laurent Mourguet, créateur du Guignol" Publisher: Agnoletto et fils, Lyon Type: Maximum Card (France, 4 March 1994) Size: Modern Not sent. |
Puppet theatre of Matěj Kopecký, Bohemia
Collectible Card Picture: itinerant puppet show in Germany, 19th century Reverse Text: "Kasperle-Theater (Die Zeit von 1815-1850)" Publisher: Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, Series: Deutsche Kulturbilder, 1936; Nr. 225 Size: 8.5 x 7.0 cm |
Picture: itinerant puppet show in Germany, 19th century Front Text: "Kunst bringt Gunst" Type: Real Photo; 20th-century reproduction of an 1857 print after Ludwig Richter, see also Commons Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: Candler's Street Fantoccini in England, before 1825 Front Text: "Fantoccini. 'He gives me the motions' Shakespeare.", inscription: "Candler's Fantoncccini Patronised by Royal Fam" Reverse Text: "With Compliments Type: 20th-century postcard of a 19th-century engraving by George Cruikshank (see www.birmingham.gov.uk) Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: French Guginol theatre, c. 1825 Front Text: "L'Oeuvre de Boilly. Le Théâtre Guignol", "Les maitres de l'estampe (époque Charles X) (1825)" Publisher: ND Phot [Neurdein, Paris]; 506 Type: Divided Back; 20th-century reproduction of a c. 1825 engraving by Louis-Léopold Boilly Size: Classic Sent: from France to Uccle (Belgium), 1908 |
Picture: detail from "La Comédie humaine" by Jean-Louis Hamon, c. 1852, Musée d'Orsay, Paris Front Text: inscription: "Théâtre Guignol" Publisher: Zazzle Type: 2021 reproduction of an 1852 painting (see Commons) Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: puppet theatre at the Fête de Saint-Cloud, France, 1865 Front Text: "L'Oeuvre de Daumier (Souvenir de la Fête). Les personnes de l'aimable société, n'importe quel sexe, qui voudraient en faire autant, sont priées de monter sur le théâtre." Publisher: Collections d'Art et d'Histoire E. S., Paris; 32 Type: Divided Back; 20th-century reproduction of an 1865 print by Honoré Daumier (from the "Petit Journal Pour Rire", No. 263), see www.daumier-register.org Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "De Poppenkast." Publisher: Kotting, Amst; Uitg. W. H. J. Dicke, Amst. [Amsterdam] Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: within Amsterdam (Netherlands) [date illegible] |
Picture: Punch & Judy show in England, painting by John Anthony Puller, before 1886 Publisher: Zazzle Type: 2021 reproduction of a 19th-century painting (see Commons) Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: French Guginol theatre, 19th century Front Text: "Salons de Paris - Chanet (Henri) - 'Guignol'" Reverse Text: "Kasperltheater!" Publisher: LL [Lévy Fils, Paris]; 18 Type: Divided Back; 20th-century reproduction of a painting by Henri Chanet (fl. 1874-1884) Size: Classic Sent: from Paris (France) to Montigny (France), 1913 |
La Bezole, France (painting by Marie Petiet, 1886)
Collectible Card Publisher: Au Grand St. Paul, Paris Size: 7.0 x 11.6 cm |
Collectible Card Publisher: Au Bon Marché, Paris; Lith. Baster & Vieillemard, Paris Size: 12.0 x 8.1 cm |
Collectible Card Publisher: Velma Suchard; Serie 245 Size: 10.5 x 6.5 cm |
Picture: puppet show on the streets of London Front Text: "XCIII, Tate Gallery", "Houghton, 3620, Punch and Judy" Handwritten Reverse Text: dated 1947 Publisher: printed by Waterlow & Sons, London Type: 20th-century reproduction of a c. 1860 painting by Arthur Boyd Houghton; see also www.tate.org.uk Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: itinerant puppet show in Russia Reverse Text: "L. I. Solomatkin (1837-1883). Petrushka, 1878. Kholst, maslo, 29x22. Gosudarstvenny Russky muzei." Publisher: Sovetsky Khudozhnik; 1967 Type: 1967 reproduction of an 1878 painting by Leonid Ivanovich Solomatkin; see also Commons Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: puppet theatre in France, late 19th century Reverse Text: "Théâtre de marionnettes, Dessin fin 19e siècle." Publisher: Images d'Epinal-Pellerin; 1982 Type: 1982 reproduction of a late 19th-century popular print published in Épinal, France Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: puppet theatre in France, illustration from Thomas Crane and Ellen Houghton's children book "Abroad", London 1882 Front Text: inscription: "Théâtre amusant" Publisher: Zazzle Type: 2021 reproduction of an 1882 illustration Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: puppet theatre in France, c. 1890 Reverse Text: "'Guignol', La chanson des joujoux. Illustration d'Adrien Marie. Ed. H. Heugel, 1890. Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Heure Joyeuse." Publisher: Mairie de Paris, Agence culturelle de Paris Type: late 20th-century reproduction of an 1890 print by Adrien Marie Size: Modern Not sent. |
Matchbox Label Size: 3.0 x 5.6 cm |
Collectible Card Publisher: Au Printemps, Grands Magasins de Nouveautés, Paris Size: 10.5 x 7.5 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Guignol" Publisher: Mercerie-Bonneterie Lebreton-Guimier, Le Mans Size: 11.8 x 8.1 cm |
Collectible Card Publisher: Chocolat & Cacao Supérieurs de la Cie d'Orient P. Loras, Paris/Bruxelles/Usine à Lyon Size: 13.3 x 8.5 cm |
Collectible Card Type: Blank Back Size: 7.0 x 10.0 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "La Joie" Publisher: Lefèvre-Utile Biscuits Size: 10.6 x 7.3 cm |
Collectible Card Publisher: Au Paris Nouveau, Paris; Imp. L. Michel et. Cie, Paris Size: 12.0 x 8.5 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Devant Guignol" Publisher: Chocolat Besnier, Le Mans; B. Sirven, Imprimeur-Éditeur, Toulouse/Paris Size: 10.5 x 7.3 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Après les marionnettes de Guignol les Biscuits marionnettes de Georges, c'est fête complète pour tout le monde."inscription: "Marionnettes" Publisher: Biscuits Georges; Lith. H. Sicard, Paris Size: 7.0 x 10.2 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Eh bien, papa, puisque tu as tant de plaisir à voir Guignol, Vas-y, ne te gêne pas pour moi, je vais t'attendre en fumant un cigare.", inscription: "Théâtre de Guignol" Publisher: Levacher-Giroux, Orléans Size: 7.5 x 11.3 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Rêver de Perroquets: Théâtre" Publisher: A. Benoiston, Maison de Fournitures, Paris Size: 6.4 x 10.5. cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Une scène intéressante" Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron; Vallet, Minot et Cie. Imprimeurs, Paris Size: 6.3 x 10.6 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Un drame" Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron; Vallet, Minot et Cie. Imprimeurs, Paris Size: 603 x 9.7 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Le scandale dans la salle" Publisher: Grands Magasins du Musée de Cluny, Paris; Vallet, Minot et Cie. Imprimeurs, Paris Size: 6.3 x 10.5 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Artiste sifflé" Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron; Vallet, Minot et Cie. Imprimeurs, Paris Size: 6.3 x 10.6 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Le théâtre Enfantin Guignol et son public. Une représentation dans un jardin public." Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron, Paris; Série: Le Théâtre à travers les Âges Size: 6.6 x 10.6 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Mots et Devises", "La farce est jouée dit Rabelais en mourant; la pièce est finie furent les dernières paroles d'Auguste. Au théâtre antique, on annonçait la fin de la représentation par ces mots: La pièce est jouée"; inscription: "Guignol" Publisher: Chocolat rationnel des pharmaciens français Size: 6.5 x 10.3 cm |
Collectible Card Reverse Text: "Fahrende Leute II. - 5. Kasperltheater. Kinder seid ihr alle da! / Habt Ihr denn auch Geld mit? Ja! / Wenn ich singe, geht hinten ein Teller herum, / Ihr wißt doch sicher alle, warum! / O bitt' ich schön, laufen Sie doch nicht fort! / Es tut Ihnen nichts, der Teller dort!" Publisher: Cie. Française L. Schaal & Cie. Size: 9.3 x 4.7 cm |
Collectible Card Publisher: H. Disqué Elephanten-Kaffee; J. Aberle & Co., Berlin; 857 Size: 8.9 x 12.8 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Jouets. Les Guignols." Publisher: Au Bon Marché, Paris Size: 8.2 x 12.0 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Guignol chez soi" Publisher: J. Jacquet Succr., Issouun Size: 10.3 x 7.3 cm |
Foldable Collectible Card Publisher: Au Bon Marché, Paris Size: 13.4 x 7.6 cm (opened) |
Foldable Collectible Pop-up Card Front Text: "Théâtre Guignol" Publisher: Au Bon Marché, Paris Size: 16.2 x 11.7 cm (opened) |
Foldable Collectible Pop-up Card Front Text: "Théâtre Guignol" Publisher: Au Bon Marché, Paris; Imprimerie L. Verger & Cie., Paris Size: 11.7 x 17.0 cm (opened) |
Collectible Card (with cut-out areas) Front Text: "Théâtre de marionettes. Acte I." Publisher: Chocolat de l'Univers Size: 7.4 x 11.7 cm |
Collectible Card (with possibility to stick [missing] paper figurines through the card to make them appear on stage) Front Text: "Galactina" Publisher: Galactina Farine Lactée Supérieure, Bern (Switzerland) Size: 9.5 x 12.0 cm |
Front Text: "Chez Guignol" Type: Hold-to-Light Card Size: Classic Sent: to Voulaines (France), 1906 |
Front Text: "Les Acrobates" Publisher: ?; 1009 Type: Hold-to-Light Card Size: Classic Sent: from Antwerpen (Belgium) to Oudewater (Belgium), 1906 |
Front Text: "Guignol colporteur", inscription: "Le Théâtre de Guignol" Publisher: Collection Charier, édit., Saumur Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: within Avignon (France), 1903 |
Front Text: "Guignol au Tribunal", "Théâtre de Guignol" Publisher: Collection Charier, édit., Saumur Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Guignol condamné à mort", banner: "Le Théâtre de Guignol" Publisher: Collection Charier, édit., Saumur Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: within Avignon (France), 1903 |
Front Text: "Guignol vagabond", banner: "Le Théâtre de Guignol" Publisher: Collection Charier, édit., Saumur Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Guignol concierge.", banner: "Le Théâtre de Guignol" Publisher: Collection Charier, édit., Saumur Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Paris to Alfortville (France) [date illegible] |
Front Text: "Le public non payant au Guignol", " J. Geoffroy" Publisher: Braun & Cie., Éditeurs, Salons de Paris; 252; 6811 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Nos Chéris - Devant Goignol" Publisher: C C C & C; 24 Type: Undivided Back Not sent. |
Parc Montsouris, Paris, France
Folies-Bouts-de-Bois, Paris, France
Front Text: "Guignol" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Paris (France) to Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France), 1904 |
Front Text: "Guignol" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Paris (France) to London (England), 1902 |
Front Text: "Guignol" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Guignol" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Paris (France) to Les Sables d'Olonne (France), 1902 |
Front Text: "Guignol" Handwritten Front Text: "Souvenirs de Po-li-chi-nelle" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, France
Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, France
Charbonnières-les-Bains, France
Vichy, France, 1907
Marseille, France, 1908
Nancy, France, 1909
Saint-Trojan-les-Bains, France
Front Text: "La journée de Bébé", "J'adore le théatre" Publisher: R. Girard, éditeur; Chicorée à la Ménagère; Duroyon & Ramette, Cambrai Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "A Guignol" Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: to Nantes, 1909 |
Front Text: "La v'là! Le v'là! Vive Guignol!" Publisher: Sazerac Phot.; Croissant, Paris; 3659 Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Le gouter pendant l'entracte" Publisher: Sazerac Phot.; Croissant, Paris; 3659 Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "L'arrestation du coupable" Publisher: Sazerac Phot.; Croissant, Paris; 3659 Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Sent: within Penne-d'Agenais (France), 1910 |
Front Text: "Le gendarme est battu Bravo!" Publisher: Sazerac Phot.; Croissant, Paris; 3659 Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Sent: to Mézin, 1909 |
Front Text: "Guignol. Attente Impatiente!.." Handwritten Front Text: dated 1904 Publisher: M. A.; I Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "On va commencer!..." Publisher: M. A.; II Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Un passage palpitant" Publisher: M. A.; III Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Bordeaux to Paris [postmark illegible] |
Front Text: "Un interview..." Publisher: M. A.; IV Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Nous avons l'honneur de vous remercier" Publisher: M. A.; 5 Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Bordeaux to Paris, 1918 |
Front Text: "Kasperle Theater", signed: Hermann Kaulbach Publisher: ?; Nr. 10688 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Publisher: ?; Made in Germany; 1503,4 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Mol (Belgium) to Antwerpen (Belgium), 1908 |
Front Text: "Ein gerührter Zuschauer." Publisher: N B C; R 3214/3 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: children in the audience, possibly at a puppet show, possibly in Poitiers, France Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Not sent. |
Punch and Judy, London, England
Picture: Punch & Judy show on a British beach Front Text: "An appreciative audience", signed: Bob. Publisher: Misch & Co.; 'On the Seashore' Series; No. 280 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Treorchy (Wales) to Derry Ormond (Wales), 1905 |
Picture: left: Guignol theatre at a French or Belgian fairground Publisher: F. N.; No. 13 Type: Blank Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Cannstatter Volksfest, Germany, 1897
Picture: generic illustration of a German funfair, left: Kasper-Theater Front Text: inscriptions: "Kasper-Theater", "Schiess-Salon" Publisher: Gg. Imfang, Frankfurt am Main-Sachsenhausen Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Hayingen/Lothringen (now Hayange, France) to Straßburg (now Strasbourg, France), 1900 |
Picture: generic illustration of a German funfair, very left: Kasperl-Theater Front Text: inscriptions: "Kasperl-Theater", "Fischweib", stamped: "Gruss von der Constanzer Messe" Publisher: ?; Nr. 3471 Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from the Konstanz-Basel train to Mannheim (Germany) , 1901 |
Picture: generic illustration of a German funfair, very left: Kasper-Theater Front Text: inscriptions: "Kasper Theater", "Der Sieg der Buren", "Riesen Dame aus Samoa Gewicht 300 Kilo", "Schiessbude", "Bitte recht freundlich - Aehnlichkeit garantiert - Schnellphotographie" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Solingen (Germany) to Stahlheim (= Amnéville, France), 1903 |
Picture: generic illustration of a German funfair, very left: Kasper-Theater Front Text: inscriptions: "Aus dem dunkeln Welttheil", "Florchen die schwerste Dame der Welt", "Herkules-Circus", "Dressierte Hunde" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from the Leizpig-Chemnitz train (Germany) to Chicago (USA), 1904 |
Picture: generic illustration of a German funfair with a Kasper-Theater (see Commons for a larger scan) Front Text: "Grus vom Kinderfest", inscriptions: "Kasper-Theater", "Schiess-Salon", "Restauratio[n]" Publisher: B. B. & O. L. G. M. B. H. [= Bruno Bürger & Ottilie, Leipzig] Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: generic illustration of a German funfair, centre: Kasperltheater Front Text: "So ein Rummel ist famos, Da ist rein der Deibel los, Alles lacht und singt und schreit, Ueberall Jubel, Heiterkeit.", sign: "Kasperl-Theater" Publisher: ?; 1640 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: generic illustration of a German funfair with a dance hall and a Kasperl-Theater Front Text: sign: "Kasperl-Theater" Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Bürgel/Main to Parkersburg WV (United States), 1908 Detail: |
Front Text: "Le marionette", signed: R. Tafuri Publisher: Fiechhi & Michiel Ed., Venezia Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Milano (Italy) to Unieux (France), 1900 |
Front Text: "Le guaratelle (Teatrino di marionette)", signed: AD Valle Publisher: E. Ragozino, Edit., Napoli Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "The Italian Modern Masters. Prof. Tornaghi, Serie Pinocchio: Teatro dei burattini" [= Enea Tornaghi?] Publisher: MACA; V. Revis. Stampa N. 3228; N. 10 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Marionetten" Publisher: Lichtdruk S. Bakker Jz Kong-Zaandijk; 2107 Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent [but addressed to Zaandam (Netherlands)]. |
Picture: German political caricature Front Text: "Ha! Er röchelt noch!", "Europäisches Kasperletheater" Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Frankfurt am Main to Amsterdam (Netherlands), December 1914 |
Picture: soldiers' puppet theatre Publisher: Alcool de Menthe de Ricqlès; Devambez, grav. Type: Advertisement Card; Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Théâtre" Publisher: Biscuits Pernot Size: 11.9 x 8.5 cm |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Publisher: Chocolat Lombart Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: children with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: "Le guignol." Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from France to Paris (France), 1903 |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Publisher: S. Hildesheimer & Co. Ltd., London & Manchester; Printed in France; No. 5199 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: within London (England), 1906 |
Picture: children palying with an improvised hand puppet theatre; painting by Franziska Schenkel Front Text: signed: Schenkel Reverse Text: "Kinderleben: Kasperletheater" Publisher: Kunstverlag Hans Friedrich Abshagen, Dresden; Nr. 818 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent (but addressed to Royan, France, possibly sent in an envelope). |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: "Joyeux Noël" Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Châteauroux (France) to Chabris (France), 1913 |
Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Bonne Année" Publisher: MB; No. 3300 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Gent (Belgium) to Bruggge (Belgium), 1931 |
Handwritten Front Text: "Guignol!", signature: M. Th. Handwritten Reverse Text: "Ma Mignonne petite Lucienne, je t'envoie cetter petite carte que j'ai peinte à ton intention. [...] Ta tante [...] Marguerite" Type: original watercolor painting on a blank card; Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: probably sent in an envelope (no stamp or postmark), addressed to Lucille Doucerain in Lisieux (France) |
Publisher: B. K. W. I. [Brüder Kohn, Wien I]; 202 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Den Haag (Netherlands) to Rijswijk (Netherlands), 1932 |
Picture: child with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: inscription: "Guignol" Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Sent: from Nocé (France) to Préaux (France), 1904 |
Picture: child with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: inscription: "Guignol" Publisher: ?; S. 101 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: to Château-du-Loir (France), 1908 |
Picture: children with a home hand puppet theatre Publisher: N B C; S. L. J. F. F,; 3604/1 Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Sent: from Madrid (Spain) to Paris (France), 1914 |
Picture: children with a home hand puppet theatre Publisher: N B C; S. L. J. F. F,; 3604/4 Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Sent: by German Forces' Postal Service, from Warszawa (Poland) to Berlin (Germany), 1917 |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: "Kasperle Theater", "Lotte Herrlich" Publisher: Verlag Trautmann & von Seggern, Hamburg; Serie 123/1 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Guignol a du succes!" Publisher: W S+S B; 4440; Imprimé en Allemagne Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: anthropomorphic cats watching a puppet show in a Swiss school classroom; drawing by Eugen Hartung Publisher: Max Künzli, Zürich; No. 4725 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Lugano (Switzerland) to Jemeppe (Belgium), 1958 |
Reverse Text: "The Punch and Judy Show by Margaret Tempest" Publisher: The Medici Society, London; Pk 111 Type: Divided Back; later postcard of a 1930s-1960s illustration (?) Size: Classic Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Les histoires du diable sont toujours amusantes. Duivelsverhalen zijn altijd droolijk." Publisher: Coloprint; Printed in Belgium Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Bruxelles (Belgium) to Battincourt (Belgium), 1947 |
Front Text: "allemaal poppenkast" Reverse Text: "Mecki" Publisher: Gebr. van Rijkom, Amsterdam Type: Real Photo Size: Modern Sent: from Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Wassennaar (Netherlands), 1960 |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Guignol", "Cherchez le Polichinelle" (containing a hidden faces puzzle) Publisher: André Le Chausseur sachant chausser Size: 6.4 x 10.0 cm |
Front Text: "Au Guignol. At Theatre. El espectaculo", signed: Melek Publisher:F. N. édit., Paris Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Collectible Card
Front Text: "la journée de lili", "à guignol" Publisher: Chaussures Raoul, Brest (France) Size: 14.1 x 9.0 cm |
Collectible Card
Front Text: "G Guignol", "Où est le gendarme ?" Reverse Text: instruction on how to cut and fold the card into a little diorama Publisher: Phosphatine Falières Size: 12.8 x 6.3 cm |
Collectible Card
Front Text: "G Guignol", "Où est le gendarme ?" Publisher: Paul Chaussures de Luxe 'Au Kroumir', Paris Size: 6.4 x 9.7 cm |
Collectible Card Front Text: "Kasperle-Theater" Reverse Text: see Palmin: Die Bühne im Wandel der Zeiten Publisher: Palmin-Post-Sammelbild; 100. Folge; Bild 5 Size: 7 x 9 cm |
Front Text: "Théâtre Guignol.", inscription: "Theater!!!" Publisher: Phot. Art. S. A., Schnegg, Renens-Lausanne (Switzerland) Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: puppet theatre audience in Alkmaar, Netherlands Front Text: "Maria Austria (1915-1975), 2011, Poppenkastpubliek, Alkmaar, Fotowedstrijd, 1954, Collectie Regionaal Archief Alkmaar" Publisher: Art Unlimited, Amsterdam; B 3707 Type: 21st-century postcard of a 1954 photograph Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: puppet theatre, probably in Belgium Front Text: "Le Guignol en plein air. Openlucht Poesjenellenspel." Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Vas-y Guignol ! Vas-y Guignol ! / Geef hem !... Jan Klaassen !" Publisher: Coloprint B; 54642/5; 1622; Printed in Belgium Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "J en ai mal au ventre de rire!" [my stomach hurts from laughing], signed: Monique Faury Publisher: R. Hamel, Paris; 165 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Hartelijk gefeliciteerd" [Dutch for: "Congratulations"] Publisher: Concordia Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: inscription: "Kasper-Theater" Publisher: EAS; 315 15 Type: Real Photo Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: inscription: "Kasper-Theater" Publisher: EAS; 315 15 Type: Real Photo Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Vor dem Kasperltheater" Publisher: D. T. V.; Foto Demmeler Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Au, au, niet zo hard Jan Klaassen!!" Publisher: Weenenk & Snel, Baarn; 2050 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: "One good 'turn' deserves another" Publisher: W S S B (= Weenenk & Snel, Baarn); 7327/1 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: "Función teatral al aire libre", signed: Zsolt Publisher: C M B; Serie No 46 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre Front Text: "Seid ihr alle da?"; signed: Ursula Funcke Publisher: Werner Wicke, Leipzig; (4) MDV Erasmusdruck Calbe 1992 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: illustration to Carlo Collodi's novel "Pinocchio" Front Text: inscription: "Gran Teatro dei Burattini" Reveerse Text: "Alla fine disse: - Vuoi darmi quattro soldi di quest'Abbecedario nuovo? - (dal 'Pinocchio' di C. Collodi)" Publisher: S. A. Grafitalia, Milano Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Zuschauer beim Puppenspiel" Publisher: Bildpostkarten-Kalender 'Neues Land - Neues Leben'; Foto Böhme, Wolfen (Germany); 1972 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Herzliche Grüße von den Leipziger Markttagen" Publisher: ?; V111 10 Lp 937/81 846 Size: Modern Sent: from Leipzig (Germany) to Düsseldorf (Germany), 1983 |
Punch & Judy Show, Lowestoft, England, 1949
Picture: Punch & Judy Show at an English beach Front Text: "Forgotten about school It's so wonderful here!", "Vivent les vacances! L'école est oubliée!" Publisher: Sunshine Comic; 5731 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Picture: Punch & Judy Show at an English beach Front Text: "Dear... Greetings from... [...]", inscription: "Punch & Judy" Publisher: Crowly & Heffernon, reading; Design by J. King; Tickacards; UHJ35 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Harwich to Newport, Essex, 1973 |
Punch & Judy Show, Weymouth, England
Punch & Judy Show, Weymouth, England
Punch & Judy Show, Weymouth, England
Punch & Judy Show, Leigh-on-Sea, England
Punch & Judy Show, Southwold, England
Front Text: "A lady entertainer with 16 years experience to make your party a happy memorable occasion - As seen on TV - Telephone Auntie Katie on Mansfield [...] or Mobile on [...]", inscription: "Katie's Punch & Judy Show" Reverse Text: form for a booking confirmation Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Mr Ted the children's entertainer [...]", "[...], Cotgrave, Nottingham", inscription: "Mr Ted Mr Punch" Reverse Text: "over 20 years professional theatrical experience" Publisher: Printed by Interprint, Knaresborough Type: Advertisement Card Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: children playing with a puppet theatre Publisher: Piccoli, Milano; 935/3 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Uncle Cyryil. Children's Entertainer. Magic, Puppets, Ballon Animals, Punch and Judy. Fetes, Schools, Birthday Parties. [...], Sidley, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex., Member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians"
Type: Advertisement Card, not designed for postal use Size: 12.0 x 10.1 cm Not sent. |
Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Les 'Enfants Prévoyants' adorent se réunir dans les clubs qui ont été crées à leur intention. Ils y trouvent un décor et une ambiance favorable à leurs jeux et à leurs travaux de bricolage dont ils sont si fiers." Publisher: Photo Editions Est-Ouest Size: Modern Sent: within Huy (Belgium) [postmark partly illegible, 1962 stamp] |
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1976
Front Text: signed: Jean Delpech Publisher: Editions CEF, Nice Type: Maximum Card (France, 25 Sep 1982) Size: Modern Not sent. |
Publisher: Fernand Nathan Type: Greeting Card (?) Size: 8.0 x 12.0 cm Not sent. |
Picture: children playing with a puppet theatre at home Publisher: ?; CPE 2135; Printed in Belgium Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: children playing with a puppet theatre at home Reverse Text: "The Puppet Show, by Loui Jover" Publisher: louijover.redbubble.com Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Bloomsbury Fair September 24th 1995", inscription: "Mr Punch" Publisher: IBM Promotions, Lewes/London; Designed by Sarah Beaumont; B107 Type: Advertisement Card Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Bloomsbury Fair May 24th 1998" Publisher: IBM Promotions, London; Designed by Ernest Naser; B142 Type: Advertisement Card Size: Modern Not sent. |
Playing Card ("Liège, La fille", from: "Les 7 Familles") |
Playing Card ("Famille Dupont, Le fils") |
Stamps ("L'arte dei burattini", San Marino, 15 Sep 2003) |
Front Text: inscriptions: "Guignol-Théâtre", "Sortie des artistes", signed: Fred Publisher: Dargaud 2003 Type: Folded Greeting Card Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/5239 |