Ludwigsburg: Schlosstheater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Baden-Württemberg
District: Landkreis Ludwigsburg
City: Ludwigsburg
Location: Ludwigsburg palace, "Theaterpavillon" wing

Exterior built 1726-1730 by Donato Giuseppe Frisoni for Duke Eberhard Ludwig von Württemberg as part of the Ludwigsburg palace complex.

Interior built 1758-1759 as "Hoftheater" by Philippe de la Guépière and Paolo Retti for Duke Carl Eugen von Württemberg. Auditorium decoration by Innocente Colomba. Opened 23 May 1758. 1763 installation of a painted curtain. Closed 1775. 1811-1812 major auditorium rebuilding by Nikolaus Friedrich von Thouret for King Friedrich I. von Württemberg. Re-opened 1812. Closed 1816. Used for gala performances ca. 1954. 1955-1962 auditorium renovations to the original 1812 designs by Paul Krüger. 1993-1998 renovations. The original stage technology is mostly still intact. Since the 1960s, used for opera performances by the "Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele" festival. 306 seats.

Notable world premieres:

  • Niccolò Jommelli: L'isola disabitata (4 Nov 1761)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Il trionfo d'amore (1763)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Il re pastore (1764)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Demofoonte (2nd version, 11 Feb 1765)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: La clemenza di Tito (2nd version, 1765)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Le Cinesi (1765)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Imeneo in Atene (1765)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Temistocle (2nd version, 1765)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Il matrimonio per concorso (1766)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: La critica (11 Feb 1766)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Enea nel Lazio (2nd version, 1766)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Vologeso (1766)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: Fetonte (2nd version, 11 Feb 1768)
  • Niccolò Jommelli: La schiava liberata (1768)
  • Thomas Bernhard: Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (25 June 1982)

Links:, EUTA, Wikipedia

Ludwigsburg: Schlosstheater Reverse Text: "Ludwigsburg Residenzschloß, Schloßtheater, gemalter Vorhang mit Apoll und den Musen 1763. Einbauten 1758-1759 nach Entwurf von Guépière"
Publisher: Praun Kunstverlag, München; 80
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Ludwigsburg: Schlosstheater Front Text: "Schloss Ludwigsburg, Schlosstheater"
Reverse Text: "Schloss Ludwigsburg - Schlosstheater - Blick zur Bühne mit Bühnenbild 'Roter Gartensaal', Anfang 19. Jh." [view to the stage with stage set 'Red Garden Hall', early 19th century]
Publisher: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten; Kunstverlag Josef Fink, Lindenberg; Nr. 322
Size: 16.1 x 11.3 cm
Not sent.

Ludwigsburg: Schlosstheater Front Text: "Schloss Ludwigsburg, Schlosstheater"
Reverse Text: "Schloss Ludwigsburg - Schlosstheater - Blick in den Zuschauerraum mit Königsloge, Ausstattung nach Plänen von Nikolaus Friedrich von Thouret, 1811/12" [view into the auditorium with royal box, decoration after plans by Nikolaus Friedrich von Thouret, 1811-1812]
Publisher: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten; Kunstverlag Josef Fink, Lindenberg; Nr. 323
Size: 16.1 x 11.3 cm
Not sent.

Ludwigsburg: Schlosstheater Stamp (Germany, 2004)
Picture: right, middle ground: Schlosstheater
Text: "300 Jahre Schloss Ludwigsburg"

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