Cagli: Teatro Comunale

Country: Italy (Italia)
Region: Marche
City: Cagli
Location: Piazza Papa Niccolò IV

Built 1876-1878 by Gioavanni Santini and Coriolano Monti. Opened 1878 with Agostino Mercuri's opera "Violino del Diavolo". 501 seats.

Links:, Wikipedia

Cagli: Teatro Comunale Reverse Text: "Cagli - Teatro Comunale
Publisher: Ed. Ti I . Calagreti, Cagli; Fototipia Berretta, Terni
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Cagli: Teatro Comunale Front Text: "Cagli - Teatro Comunale - Interno"
Reverse Text: "Cagli. Communal Theatre - Inside view. Théâtre Communal - Intérieur. Stadttheater - Innenansicht"
Publisher: Ed. Severini Maria; 67895
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Sent: to Livorno, 1967[?]

Cagli: Teatro Comunale Picture: painted curtain by Alessandro Venanzi (motive: Investiture of Ludovico Baglioni as Duke of Swabia by Frederick Barbarossa at Cagli in 1162)
Front Text: "Cagli - Teatro Comunale - Sipario"
Publisher: Fotorotostampa Angeli & C., Terni
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Cagli: Teatro Comunale Front Text: "Cagli - Teatro Comunale - Atrio"
Publisher: Ed. M. Severini, Cagli
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Sent: from Perugia to Roma, 1996

Cagli: Teatro Comunale Reverse Text: "Cagli (Pa), Teatro Comunale eretto 1878 sullo sfondo il Torrione; Théâtre communal; The municipal theatre; Das Kommunaltheatre" [sic!]
Publisher: Plurigraf, Terni
Size: Modern
Sent: from Cagli to Hatten (Germany) [postmark illegible]

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