Vigone: Teatro Selve

Country: Italy (Italia)
Region: Piemonte
City: Vigone
Location: Vicolo del Teatro

Built 1855 by Domenico Berutto for Count Giovanni Baudi di Selve. Opened 8 Sep 1855 with Luigi Ricci's opera "Chi dura vince". Later used as a theatre and as a cinema. Also known as "Teatro Baudi di Selve" or "Teatro Comunale". 1962 rebuildings. Closed 1958. 1983 shortly used as a theatre again. 2004-2007 restorations by Pier Luigi Cervellati. The theatre still has its original 19th century stage machinery.

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Vigone: Teatro Selve Reverse Text: "Vigone - Teatro Comunale"
Publisher: Ed. Ris. Avalle; 2250
Size: Modern
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