Guildford: Yvonne Arnaud Theatre

Country: England, United Kingdom
Historic County: Surrey
City: Guildford
Location: Millbrook

Built 1962-1965 by John Brownrigg. Opened 2 June 1965. Named in honour of the Franco-British pianist, singer and actress, Yvonne Arnaud (1890-1958).

Links:,, Theatres Trust, Wikipedia

Guildford: Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Reverse Text: "Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford, Surrey"
Publisher: Shoesmith & Etheridge, Hastings; N1341
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Guildford to Gosport, 1966

Guildford: Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Reverse Text: "Guildford, The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre. On a beautiful site surrounded on three sides by the River Wey and an old mill pond, the Theatre was built by public subscription. It has the largest provincial revolving stage in the country, and seats nearly 600."
Publisher: J. Arthur Dixon, Newport; Surrey 6483
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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