Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall

Country: England, United Kingdom
Historic County: Suffolk
City: Snape
Location: Snape Bridge, Saxmundham

Built in the 19th century by Newson Garrett as a malthouse. 1967 converted into a concert hall by Arup Associates, as a permanent home to Aldeburgh Festival (founded in 1948 by Benjamin Britten, Peter Pears and Eric Crozier). 1969 damaged by fire, subsequently rebuilt and reopened in 1970. 832 seats.

Links:, Theatres Trust, Wikipedia

Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall Reverse Text: "The Maltings Concert Hall, Snape, near Aldeburgh"
Publisher: M and L National Series
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Saxmundham to Norwich, 1969

Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall Reverse Text: "Snape Festival Hall across the River Alde, Suffolk"
Publisher: F. W. Pawsey & Sons, Ipswich; FWP/SN1
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Saxmundham to Berlin (Germany), 1977

Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall Reverse Text: "Snape Maltings Concert Hall and Opera House. Opened by H. M. the Queen in 19676, the Hall is used for the principal musical events during the Aldeburgh Festival."
Publisher: J. Arthur Dixon, Newport, I. W.; Suffolk 7168
Size: Modern
Sent: from to Ilford [postmark illegible]

Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall Reverse Text: "Snape Maltings Concert Hall"
Size: Modern
Sent: from Ipswich to Hereford, 1973

Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall Reverse Text: "Snape Maltings Concert Hall"
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall Reverse Text: "Snape Maltings Concert Hall"
Publisher: Aldeburgh Foundation, Aldeburgh
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall Reverse Text: "Snape Maltings Concert Hall"
Publisher: Aldeburgh Productions, Snape
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Snape: Snape Maltings Concert Hall Front Text: signed: "John Western 90"
Reverse Text: "The Concert Hall from downstream. Watercolour John Western"
Publisher: Snape Maltings
Size: 16.4 x 11.5 cm
Not sent.

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