Baalbeck: Baalbeck International Festival

Country: Lebanon (Libnan; Liban)
City: Baalbeck (Ba'albeck, Baalbek)

Culture festival, held in the ruins of ancient Baalbeck.

Links:, Wikipedia

Baalbeck: Baalbeck International Festival Reverse Text: "Lebanon, European Theatre at the International Festival of Baalbeck; Liban, Théâtre Européen au Festival International de Baalbeck; Libanon: Internationales Festival in Baalbeck. Europäische Theateruafführung"
Publisher: Jack P. Dadian, Beirut; Krüger 987/144
Size: Modern
Sent: from Beirut to Torino (Italy), 1966

Baalbeck: Baalbeck International Festival Reverse Text: "Lebanon, Lebanese Folklore Theatre at the International Festival of Baalbeck; Liban, Spectacle Folklorique Libanais au Festival International de Baalbeck; Libanon: Internationales Festival in Baalbeck mit libanesischer Trachengruppe"
Publisher: Jack P. Dadian, Beirut; Krüger 987/141
Size: Modern
Sent: from Beirut to Dessau (Germany), 1966

Baalbeck: Baalbeck International Festival Reverse Text: "Lebanon, Land of Sun and Beauty. Fly there by MEA. Baalbeck International Festival of Arts & Music takes place every year in July-August."
Publisher: MEA; A. J. Zeidan, Lebanon
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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